Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Alpage is involved in the French journal Traitement Automatique des Langues (T.A.L., AERES linguistic rank: A). Éric de La Clergerie is “Rédacteur en chef” and was the editor of the regular issue 52/1 (2011). Laurence Danlos is a member of the editorial board. Benoît Sagot is a guest editor, jointly with Núria Bel, for a special issue on Language Resources for which Benoît Crabbé is a member of the specific reviewing committee.

  • Alpage is deeply involved in a forthcoming special issue of the major journal in our field of research, Computational Linguistics. Djamé Seddah is one of the guest editor of this issue devoted to “Parsing of morphologically-rich languages” while Marie Candito is a reviewer for this issue.

  • Alpage members were involved in many Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committees for other journals and conferences. For example, Éric de La Clergerie participated to the program committees of IWPT'11, LGC'11, TALN'11, CLA'11, DepLing'11, TEMA'11, and was a reviewer for IJCNLP'11.

  • Djamé Seddah and Benoît Sagot are elected board member of the French NLP society (ATALA);

    Benoît Sagot is Secretary since September 2010; Djamé Seddah is Program Chair of the “Journées ATALA” (one day long workshops in NLP, 4 or 5 per year).

  • Laurence Danlos is a member of the Permanent Committee of the TALN conference organized by ATALA

  • Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Linguistics UFR of University Paris Diderot

  • Benoît Sagot is a member of the Governing Board and of the Scientific Board of the LabEx (excellency cluster EFL), as head of the research strand on language resources; Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Board of the LabEx EFL, representing Alpage.

  • Djamé Seddah is one of the founders of the statistical parsing of morphologically rich language initiative that started during IWPT'09. He was the program co-chair of the successful SPMRL 2010 NAACL-HLT Workshop and of its 2011 edition that took place during IWPT'11. He is co-chairing an ACL 2012 workshop centered around the Syntaxic and Semantic Processing of Morphologicall Rich Languages. He and Marie Candito are also involved (both as core members, Djamé Seddah as co-chair) into the MRL statistical parsing shared task that will be organized in this context (data are expected to be released during this ACL 2012 workshop, and the results will be presented at IWPT 2013; Marie Candito is in charge of the French data). Moreover, Benoît Sagot is a member of the reviewing committees. Finally, Alpage is a regular sponsor of this series of workshops.

  • Laurence Danlos organized CID 2011 (Constraints in Discourse) that was held at Agay-Roches Rouges, France in September 2011.

  • Benoît Sagot organized WoLeR 2011, an ESSLLI 2011 workshop on Lexical Resources (http://alpage.inria.fr/~sagot/woler2011/ ), that was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia in August 2011.

  • Marie Candito was workshop chair at EMNLP 2011 (Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing) that was held in Edinburgh in july 2011.

  • Benoît Crabbé organized the Alpage research seminar

  • Benoît Crabbé co-organized the research seminar : lectures in experimental linguistics (Univ P7)

  • Éric de La Clergerie was a project reviewer for the ANR